Monday, June 13, 2011

Explaining About Our New Children

We pulled into the driveway as a family and began to carry our loads into the house. Our girls had spent the night at the beach with my parents and we were returning home with our kids. The girls carried in their backpacks and we worked together to bring coats and additional beach treasures into the house.

In the midst of the chaos, the girls noticed the pictures sitting on our kitchen table. "What is this, mama? Who are these girls?"

We told them that after they put away their clothes, we would watch a little video and talk about who those little girls are.

When they had finished, we explained that these girls live in an area that is very poor. They don't have a nice house to live in like we do. They don't have clean water to drink. Many days they go hungry or eat garbage.

Then we watched this video together.

Kylie watched and listened, but Ayla was in and out of the room. As I read the words to the video out loud to our girls, I struggled. This video is emotional and the reality of it brings me close to tears every time I see it. My voice wavered, but we made it through.

After the video we talked about the life these kids live. What would it be like to be hungry all the time? Would it be fun to play at a dump, with garbage? What if you had a sad life like this and didn't know that God loves you and cares for you.

Then we talked about "our girls". We now have two little girls we will support. These girls will learn to read and write, even though their parents are probably illiterate. They will have a school uniform, the nicest and maybe only clothes they own. Our girls will received medical care as needed and eat a healthy, balanced meal every day. And most importantly, they will learn the message of Jesus' love.

One of our girls, Akhila, enjoys drawing, just like Kylie. Our other little girl, Dharamjeet, loves to dance, just like our Ayla. Kylie had a book in school about pen pals and we explained that these girls will be like pen pals with our family. We will be able to write to them and send them pictures from Kylie and Ayla.

During this time, Ayla seemed distracted and was constantly moving, like always. Daniel and I were a little frustrated that the video and our conversation seemed to go right over her head.

Then as Ayla was lying in bed, she asked "Why do those kids play with garbage?" We explained that they don't have nice toys like she does. "Why don't they have a house?" We explained that they are poor and don't have the money to buy a home and nice things like we do.

I guess she really was listening all along.

If you would like to sponsor a child through Gospel For Asia, go here. 100% of the sponsorship money is given to the kids. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses.


  1. So awesome that you do it through Gospel for Asia! They are amazing! Have you read Revolution in World Missions? It changed my life like no book other than the Bible has!

  2. Our church sent out and supports several missionaries at Gospel For Asia in the Texas and Canada offices. They are wonderful! You know, I don't think I have read it yet. Yes, I think I need to do that.

  3. It was rough. It's a heavy criticism of the American church, American spending habits (even American saving habits) and the American view of missions. It matched my experiences in Uruguay exactly.
    I love that even the workers at the offices are considered missionaries and need to be supported. It's amazing to think that every single penny we send to the missionaries goes directly to feed them.
